By Brother Patrick

On October 13, 2013, during the first year of his papacy, Pope Francis entrusts himself and his ministry to the heart of the Blessed Mother as Our Lady of Fatima. On August 5, 2023, during the tenth year of his papacy, Pope Francis traveled to Fatima for World Youth Day. More than 200,000 young disciples make the journey to pray with the Holy Father and to hear him reflect on the apparitions of the Virgin of Fatima to three shepherd children more than one hundred years ago.

By now, it should be no surprise to us that the pope surprises his audience. He tosses away his prepared text and speaks without notes or script. In the Chapel of the Appartions, which is built on the exact spot where the Blessed Mother appeared to the little children, the Holy Father looks around at the design and construction of the chapel. It is a small structure, more like a garden shed than a church. It is covered by a large open-air pavilion without doors, without walls, and without windows. In this setting, Pope Francis finds inspiration.

After praying the Holy Rosary with sick and disabled children he says: “We recited the Rosary together. It is a vital and beautiful prayer. It is vital because it connects us with the lives of Jesus and Mary. We meditated on the Joyful Mysteries, which remind us that the Church is a house of joy. This Chapel of the Apparitions is a wonderful image of the Church — welcoming and without doors. Indeed, the Church has no doors so that everyone may enter. Here in this place, we must insist that everyone may enter, because this is the Mother’s house, and a mother’s heart is always open to all of her children. Everyone, everyone, everyone, excluding no one!”

From Fatima, Pope Francis teaches us that the Blessed Mother’s ministry is twofold. She welcomes everyone into the Church. She leads everyone to Jesus. With a mother’s heart, Mary loves all of God’s children. With a mother’s heart, she welcomes all of God’s children. No matter who we are. No matter where we are from. No matter how we live. No matter who we love. No matter what we look like. No matter what we do in this life. Young or old. Rich or poor. Happy or sad. Sick or well. Gay or straight or not so sure. Mary loves and welcomes everyone. No child of God is ever excluded, left behind, or turned away by the Mother’s heart.

With this same maternal instinct, Mary accompanies us throughout our lives. She leads us to Jesus. She shows us the way to Jesus. Again and again, she says to us what she says to the servants at the wedding feast: “Do whatever he tells you (John 2:5).” With a mother’s heart, Mary speaks with love and sincerity. She speaks with clarity and simplicity. She speaks with wisdom and tenderness.

Mary knows that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. And so, she offers to accompany us on the journey. She knows that the way of Jesus is the way of love and mercy. She knows that the way of Jesus is the way of peace and fraternity. She knows that the way of Jesus is the way of struggle and suffering. She knows that the way of Jesus is the way of the cross. And she knows that the way of Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

From Fatima and beyond, Pope Francis calls us to silence. He calls us to reflect on what Mary says from her mother’s heart to the hearts of her children. The Holy Father says: “Let us look at the image of Mary and ask ourselves: What is Mary saying to me as Mother?…Mother, what is it that you wish to show me? What is it in my life that concerns you? What is it in my life that stirs your heart? What is it in my life that interests you? Please show me.”

In this way, the pope asks us to engage in a real and intimate dialog with the Mother’s Heart. He asks us to discern with her how the journey of our lives crosses paths with the way of Christ. Are we walking with Jesus? Are we doing whatever he tells us? Are we heading in the right direction? Or are we heading in the wrong direction? Are we seeking grace in the light who is Christ? Or are we seeking only ourselves in the darkness?

Finally, again from Fatima, Pope Francis calls us to grow close to the Mother’s Heart. He says: “Mary’s heart directs us…And just as she points us to Jesus, she points out to Jesus each one of our hearts. Brothers and sisters, let us discern the presence of Mary, our Mother, the Mother who always says: ‘Do whatever Jesus tells you.’ She shows Jesus to us. She is also the Mother who says to her Son: ‘Do what these little ones ask of you.’ This is Mary. This is our Mother. Our Lady hastens to be close to us. May she intercede for us all. Amen!” Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!



Brother Patrick Garvey is co-founder and spiritual director of the Assisi Project. He is a graduate of the University of Southern Maine, Saint John Seminary, and the Catholic University of America. He is a writer, spiritual director, retreat leader, and university lecturer. He also serves as an Associate Minister in the Catholic Community of Gloucester & Rockport in Massachusetts. On October 3, 2023, the Feast of the Transitus of Saint Francis of Assisi, Brother Patrick was consecrated as a diocesan hermit by Bishop Mark O’Connell, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Boston. For more information about the Assisi Project and our ministries with adults of all ages and backgrounds, please contact Brother Patrick at

Art Credit: Antoine Mekary – 141390193 – Dreamstime



Founded in 2007, the Assisi Project is a Fellowship of Franciscans in Spirit with friends and followers throughout the world. We are dedicated to helping Christian believers of all ages more faithfully live the Gospel of Christ in the spirit of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi. The Assisi Project is a non-profit, tax exempt charitable organization. Please support our ministry via Pay Pal (see link below) or mail a tax-deductible donation to the Assisi Project, Post Office Box 3158, Gloucester, Massachusetts 01931-3158. The Assisi Project Podcast is produced by the Assisi Project, Inc. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. May the Lord give you peace!

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